Tattoos entered in our daily contests can be started and finished either during or before the show. They can be fresh or healed. Tattoos entered for any 'small' category must be no larger than 5.5x8.5 in (half a sheet of paper). Black and grey categories are for both greywash and opaque grey tattoos. Traditional covers ALL traditional and is not limited to American traditional tattoos. Ornamental includes but is not limited to geometric, tribal, filigree, & Polynesian.
Tattoo of the Day must be fully started and completed during the show. Any piece not finished in time to enter day of can be entered for the following day ex; a piece finished at 10pm Friday can be entered for Saturday Tattoo of the Day. Large pieces that take multiple days are permitted. Tattoo of the Show will be judged and chosen from the three Tattoo of the Day winners. If the client is not present for judging the piece will be disqualified for Tattoo of the Show.
Small Black and Grey
Large Black and Grey
Black & Grey Portrait
8:30-10 pm;
Tattoo of the Day
Beard & Mustache Competition
Small Color
Large Color
Color Portrait
Tattoo of the day
Tattoo of the Day/ Tattoo of the Show
Copyright © 2013 Evergreen Tattoo Invitational - All Rights Reserved.